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The Biggest Turnout, Kuala Selangor

KR Sunday Ride@in search of omelette nasi lemak

what a great turn up for today ride, almost 20 riders response to our weekly Sunday ride.

early morning we already notice some riders started to gather in front of DPC's Mc Donald, approximate 7.10am, total of 19 riders are here and ready to flag off.

actually today ride we have some special agenda, we would like to take this opportunity to try out some peloton reform method, reason being, most of the time when we are leading a peloton, if riders drop off and we might notice until we do a regroup, but what happen if we are not aware of that and the particular riders stop is because of punctual or some bicycle mechanical issue? So at least a last rider will voice out and let the lead rider aware of that.
But don't get me wrong, we are not a fast pace's riders, we are just more concern on rider's safety.
Anyhow, reached the nasi lemak place, gosh... that' really a lot of ppl there.
Luckily we did a early reservation, so that they able to serve us faster.
After breakfast(or I should put it as brunch) then we heading back to DPC.
Some incident happen during our way back, a riders fall due to a sandy path, luckily just only some skin trauma, so we head to a nearby petrol station and let him clean up his wound, same time we also do some refill.
So approximate 1.45pm we all safe to starting point, mission accomplish!
Once again, thanks for all the riders who turn up for our ride and looking forward to see you guys in the next ride.

some members are too hungry, they skip the waiting part and straight to a nearby food stall for their brunch


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